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Marque :IKA
Référence :0025008242
Single T-SP-5 spindle
The spindle can only be used in combination with the motorized stand HELISTAND as well as the respective nut and coupling
The complete T-SP-SET with nut and coupling is included with the HELISTAND Set and all ROTAVISC HELI Packages
T-spindles used in combination with the motorized stand HELISTAND are particularly suitable for the measurement of non-flowing samples, such as creams, pastes or gelatin
71,00 HT
85,91 TTC
Délai sur demande
Livraison offerte à partir de 400 €
Prix avantageux
Service 5 étoiles avant et après la vente
Délai de 3 jours ouvrables pour articles de stock
Single T-SP-5 spindle
The spindle can only be used in combination with the motorized stand HELISTAND as well as the respective nut and coupling
The complete T-SP-SET with nut and coupling is included with the HELISTAND Set and all ROTAVISC HELI Packages
T-spindles used in combination with the motorized stand HELISTAND are particularly suitable for the measurement of non-flowing samples, such as creams, pastes or gelatin


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